Heal Your Gut, Restore Your Health Seminar: Part 1 of 2

Belly-IBS-gutAre you one of 70 million people suffering from digestive diseases in the United States?

You might be…and not even know your gut is the cause! Discover how your digestive health is intimately linked to your immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems.

Your gut is responsible for a significant portion of your immune system and creates more brain hormones and neurotransmitters than the brain. Find out how you can restore optimum health naturally and change your health.

Transform your health! Learn cutting-edge information and simple science you can use right away:

  • Learn how diet and lifestyle affect the gut microbiome.
  • Understand chronic disease and the symptoms that signal its presence.
  • Learn about the gut-brain connection to mood and behavior.
  • Practical advice about dealing with diet, stress, toxins and parasites.
runnels7843_2Guest Speaker: Rita Runnels Holistic/RN, Self Care-Colon Hygienist-Nutritional Counselor and Founder of The Sanctuary at Shops on Main

 COST : Free

How To Clean Your Home Using Essential Oils Part I

11-essentialoilsDid you know that the average American home is filled with thousands of artificial chemicals? Only a small percentage of these chemicals have been thoroughly tested for safety! It’s crazy considering how often we’re exposed to these chemicals, and how little we know about their effects on our health and the environment.

Of those that have been studied, at least 150 common household chemicals have been associated with cancer, psychological disturbances, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and various health issues. Shocking right?!

Cleaning agents contribute a substantial amount to the toxic chemical load in our home. Many top brand cleaners are filled with known toxins such as solvents, ammonia, formaldehyde, phthalates and ethanolamine.

With so many viable natural cleaning solutions now available, how could the potential (and known) risks of these toxins ever be worth a bleached-clean home?
Many essential oils mimic the results of chemical cleaners. They can dissolve grease, brighten stains, kill mold spores and fight bacteria… But without all the scary health dangers!

Check out these eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are natural, non-toxic, simple and actually work!

But please note, when working with essential oils on a new surface, always patch test first to check for suitability. Even though they come from Mother Nature, these oils are potent!


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Clove (removes mold & mold spores)
  • Cinnamon
  • Pine (also kills yeast spores)
  • Tea tree

Suggested uses:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with 2 cups of warm water. Spray and leave on shower surfaces to detract mold.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of clove oil with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon glycerine. Spray over moldy areas and leave for 15 minutes before wiping away with a damp cloth.


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Tea Tree
  • Eucalyptus
  • Thyme oil

Suggested Uses:
Combine 2 cups hot water, ¼ cup washing soda and 10 drops of your choice of the above essential oils. Spray as needed and wipe away with a microfibre cloth.


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Lemon
  • Orange

Suggested Uses:
Combine ½ cup water, ½ cup vinegar, 1 tbsp castile and 10 drops of either above oils. Soak a sponge in this mixture and use light pressure to lift grease. Wipe away soapy residue with a warm damp cloth.

TO ORDER ESSENTIAL OILS GO TO: http://mydoterra.com/healinghealthandwellnesscenterofshelby

5 Good Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda Immediately

This article was posted by Joshua Corn

Soda Bottles

If drinking soda is one of your guilty (or not so guilty) pleasures, you should pause to think about what you’re really putting in your body each time you take a sip. Soft drinks — especially diet ones — are among the worst things you can put in your body. Drinking them will make you sick, fat and stupid. Let me explain why…

Soda has been around for a very long time, so you may ask why, if it’s really so bad for us, we aren’t all dead yet. The fact is, the bottles of soda we’re drinking today are vastly different from — and vastly larger than — sodas of the past. Did you know that the original Coca-Cola bottle held only 6.5 ounces? And that for most people, drinking one was a special treat enjoyed on an occasional basis? Compare that to the common 20-ounce size that tens of millions of Americans now consume on a daily basis.

Size aside, the sodas of yesteryear were a relatively simple concoction of carbonated water,sugar, natural flavoring agents and naturally occurring acids. Compare this to most of today’s sodas, which are awash in highly refined sweeteners, synthetic additives, GMOs and other toxins that were never meant to be inside a human body. The results of this have been devastating to our health. Anyone who wants to live a long, healthy and productive life should reconsider any soda drinking habit that involves more than occasional consumption. Ideally, you should avoid drinking soda entirely.

Here are 5 good reasons to stop drinking soda right away:

1. Formulated to make you fat: Firstly, soda has virtually no nutritional value whatsoever. Zip, zero zilch. If you’re trying to cut down on calories, eliminating soda is a no-brainer. There are just no benefits other than the taste – and there are lots of healthy, great tasting alternatives (as I explain below). Beyond the empty calories, research shows that the high fructose corn syrup found in soft drinks actually triggers a hunger hormone that causes you to consume more food than your body needs. Other research reveals disruptions to microflora in the intestines that could decrease nutrient absorption – meaning you need to eat more food to get the same nutrients. Lastly, if you think you’re doing yourself a favor by drinking diet soda, think again. You may have heard about the recent Purdue University study that linked diet sodas to the very same health problems caused by their sugary counterparts, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease. In fact, multiple studies show that that drinking diet soda actually makes you fatter! But you don’t need science to prove that. Look around at the people drinking diet soda and ask yourself whether the “diet” is working.

2. Genetically modified mayhem: In the old days, soda was sweetened with natural cane sugar. I’m not saying sugar is necessarily good for you, but the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) used today in most sodas makes cane sugar seem like a health food by comparison. One of the biggest problems with HFCS is that, since it’s derived from corn, and since most corn in the U.S. is genetically modified, its likely chock full of GMOs. Now Big Agra, Big Food and the Federal Government will tell you that GMO foods will save the world and guarantee a bountiful food supply. But remember, most corn has been genetically modified for a sole purpose – so it can survive being sprayed with ungodly amounts of pesticides and herbicides that would kill most living things. It’s a certainty that toxic residues of these pesticides and herbicides end up in the products made from corn, including HFCS. Toxins aside, GMOs are essentially a foreign body (a new strand of DNA) that your body doesn’t recognize, and more and more studies are surfacing linking GMOs to major health risks.

3. A bubbly bottle of carcinogens: The consumption of soda is skyrocketing in this country. At the same time, cancer rates are on the rise across the spectrum. Is there a connection? Many sodas get their dark hue from what manufacturers call “caramel color.” Sounds innocuous right? Unfortunately, the synthetic chemicals used to make this coloring have been found to be carcinogenic according to consumer watchdog group, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Many countries have banned their use, but not the U.S. If the cancer-causing coloring isn’t enough to scare you, then consider the fact that diet sodas give you a deadly double whammy. In addition to the carcinogenic coloring, you also get artificial sweeteners, which are well-established carcinogens. Lastly, some believe that the GMOs that may be swimming in your soda are playing a role in the rising rates of cancer.

4. Really tasty toxins: The world is awash in toxins, so if you can avoid drinking them you should. Oh where to start… Firstly, whether your soda comes in a plastic bottle or aluminum can, chances are the container is made or coated with BPA or a BPA derivative that is known to cause a variety of health problems. Secondly, most sodas are produced with low quality, unfiltered municipal tap water, which may contain undesirable levels of industrial runoff, pharmaceutical drug residues and other chemicals. Also, the HFCS used in most soda is highly processed and known to contain industrial chemical residues, including mercury. In fact, one study found mercury in over 50% of samples tested! Oh yeah, then there’s the fire retardant. Yep, many sodas contain an innocuous ingredient called “brominated vegetable oil,” which is widely used as a fire retardant in many industrial applications. At least you know your soda won’t catch fire.

5. Heart attacks, strokes and depression, oh my!: The health consequences of drinking soda are numerous, but some are less obvious than others. For example, most people correlate soda consumption with obesity. And most people know that obesity is associated with a plethora of health problems including diabetes, hypertension and premature death. But you don’t need to be obese to experience the negative effects of soda. One study links the consumption of non-diet soda to a 20% higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. Another study showed that just one sugary beverage per day may significantly increase the risk of heart attacks. So is diet soda the solution? Not so fast. Other research links diet soda consumption with a 61% increase in strokes and heart attacks. Also, the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas are known neurotoxins that can cause behavioral and cognitive problems. Speaking of your mind, not feeling so happy these days? One study shows that those who consume sweetened drinks face a higher risk of depression. The risk was shown to be even higher for those who drink diet sodas.

The 5 Major Benefits of drinking alkaline water!

Fall in love with water all over again.


Detoxify your body to remove normal acidic waste products accumulated daily, plus remove toxins accumulated in your body from your environment, prescription drugs, unnatural foods and from the “normal” process of aging. Acid wastes collected in the body can lead to more serious health conditions. Drinking alkaline water daily can neutralize the acidity and wash acid waste products from cells and tissues.


Hydrate your body: this is basic to maintain or regain optimum health. During ionization your alkaline water filter forms your water into micro clusters that are more easily absorbed at the cellular levels thus “super hydrating” your body.


Alkaline water acts as an antioxidant, scavenging for and neutralizing harmful free radicals. Because alkaline water has the ability to give up electrons, it can effectively neutralize and block free-radical damage to the body. Ionized alkaline water seeks out free radicals and converts them into oxygen which your body can use for energy production and tissue oxygenation. Cancer and most other illnesses cannot survive in an oxygenated, alkaline environment.


Alkaline water helps balance the body’s pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid food diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins such as smog. Alkalize your body pH from acidic to alkaline pH, because cancer and many other illnesses cannot live in alkaline environments. Alkaline is the “normal” state of healthy persons.


Enhance your immune system to maximize your body’s ability to fight off disease and heal itself.



Healing, Health and Wellness Center of Shelby is proud to offer the finest Alkaline Ionized Water in the world today. Kangen Water® is the delicious, healthy water. “Kangen” means “return to origin” in Japanese.

Come by and receive your 2 free gallons of Kangen Water! ($1 fee for the jugs only) Location: 323 S. Washington Street Shelby, NC 28150 704-457-1001 Across from Don Gibson Theatre Time: Tuesday – Friday from 11am to 6pm Saturday from 11am to 2pm




Trusting Your Skin to Coconut Oil Like Islanders Have for 1000′s of Years

by The Alternative Daily

coconut oil
While you may be convinced that coconut oil is a fad, it is a fad that has benefited people around the world for thousands of years, and one we feel is well worth exploring. Lauric acid has a long history of use in fighting pathogens, backed by research that is over 50 years. Coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid on the planet.

There are numerous peer-reviewed studies noting the health benefits of one of nature’s most valuable gifts. If, after you read this article, you are still inclined to think that coconut oil is just a passing fad, we encourage you to try it – we believe you will become convinced of its value, as well.

Coconut oil is no stranger to people in the tropics, who have been using it for a very long time. Even when the anti-saturated fat war waged in America, it did not stop people in the tropics from benefiting from the healing powers of coconut oil.

Coconut oil is composed of medium chain fatty acids (MCT’s) which are not easily broken down or oxidized like polyunsaturated fat. This means that coconut oil does not cause any free radical damage, unlike polyunsaturated and dangerous trans fats.

The fact that most of our skin care products in this country are made from polyunsaturated oils explains why we, as a nation, suffer from so many skin complications. There is a great body of growing evidence to support the fact that topical application of coconut oil as well as consumption are highly beneficial.


Coconut oil is natural, and that means that not many people want to conduct extensive research into its benefits. However, a study conducted in 2008 at the Skin and Cancer Foundation in the Philippines, compared virgin coconut oil and virgin olive oil in moisturizing dryness and removing bacteria from colonized Atopic dermatitis skin.

The study, a double-blind controlled trial, found that coconut oil was more effective than olive oil in killing bacteria, mostly because of its lauric acid content.

A 2009 study at the Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, looked at the antimicrobial properties of lauric acid and its potential to heal acne. The results were favorable for using lauric acid in place of antibiotics for treatment of acne.

Vitamin D Helps Fight Against Skin Cancer

If you have ever known a Filipino person, you know that they likely have a lovely, youthful complexion and soft, wrinkle-free skin, despite the fact that they live in a climate that exposes them to the sun’s hot rays all year round. Skin cancer is virtually unheard of in the Philippines, where coconut oil is the main dietary oil used and the main ingredient in all of their skin care products.

In the United States, we run scared from the sun, covering every square inch of exposed skin with lotions, lathers and sprays thinking that we are doing the right thing to protect ourselves from the damaging rays of the scorching sun. We are constantly bombarded with reasons why we need to use sunscreen, which blocks out the skin’s ability to absorb vitamin D. Interestingly enough, vitamin D has been proven to prevent cancer.

Coconut oil is the main reason why people in the tropics can be in the sun and not experience skin cancer. Its healing antioxidant powers protect the skin from free radical damage. In addition, using coconut oil on the skin helps our bodies absorb other nutrients more effectively, such as vitamin E, which is another skin protecting antioxidant.

coconut oilNow, don’t think that you can be crazy and lay in the sun all day, even with coconut oil on your skin. You still have to be smart about the sun. Stay clear of the sun during the hottest time of the day between noon and 3pm, if possible. Vitamin D production is important, but it only takes a little while per day in the sun to get what you need.

The evidence that commercial sunscreen does more harm than good is very compelling. Sunscreen contains dangerous chemicals that keep the skin from breathing, and blocks beneficial sun rays. The false security that this multi-million dollar business provides is horrifying. Why not switch to an all natural, safe and effective alternative?

As always, we recommend using only extra virgin organic coconut oil.

-The Alternative Daily